Data-driven advanced production planning and control thanks to a powerful MOM system

The DELMIA Apriso software suite for manufacturing operations management (MOM) provides you with real-time performance indicators. In the event of disruptions or deficiencies in plant availability, product quality and inventory levels, this lets you intervene where you need to, when you need to.

DELMIA Apriso digitalizes continual improvement and fosters transparency and cross-unit collaboration to support this goal.

This gives you the means for sustainably controlling and optimizing multiple production sites – anywhere in the world!

The benefits of DELMIA Apriso

The data-based path to operational excellence

Accelerate the optimization cycles of your products and production.

Analysis of all production sites

Develop best-practice processes based on data from all your production facilities.

Achieving more by working together

Respond flexibly and collaborate efficiently – across all your departments.

Boosting planning and control efficiency

Increase clarity, improve structures and boost automation in your task handling processes.

360° control – in real time

Get in the driver’s seat: manage ongoing production, exploit available capacities, monitor current inventory levels, etc.

A better way to manage quality

Monitor your plant facilities and manufacturing results and pinpoint problems easily.

What can the Dassault Systèmes MOM system do for your business?

DELMIA Apriso gives you a holistic view of your production and all associated business processes: You gain full control of the entire production process, manage warehousing and inventory levels, reliably handle quality assurance and staff administration and support your plant maintenance teams.

The software suite also lets you implement short-term planning changes easily – a major performance boost compared to traditional manufacturing execution systems (MES). Collaboration becomes fluid across all department boundaries, and you can easily manage tasks in a wide range of dimensions such as production, quality, logistics, workplace safety and more.

Analysis options, e.g. regarding reject rates and unexpected machine outages, let you shorten the optimization cycles of your products and production lines and accelerate efficiency measures throughout your entire product creation process.

DELMIA Apriso gives you a complete genealogy of all your products. This comprehensive traceability is a key factor in all modern, data-driven value-adding processes.

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Highlights and details
  • Data-driven process modification and rollout to global production sites thanks to Manufacturing Process Intelligence and Global Process Manager
  • All produced goods are fully traceable
  • Functions are role-based, silos are eliminated and collaboration becomes more efficient

Typical Use Cases we can show you

Monitoring Order Fulfillment and Production

Problems and disruptions are only identified when they have serious impacts on production.

DELMIA Apriso resolves these issues by clearly displaying production and order planning, letting you identify incidents quickly and precisely.


  • Keep your hands on the pulse of your business and monitor your production processes in real time
  • Track the status of order processing at any time
  • Monitor your performance based on target vs. actual status of order fulfillment
  • Immediately identify error sources such as bottlenecks and anomalies

Warehousing and Inventory Management

Projected inventories do not reflect actual stocks and can only be reconciled by way of lengthy stock-taking.

DELMIA Apriso resolves these issues by updating inventories in real time, based on actual consumption.


  • Your end-to-end processes are supported throughout, from receipt to dispatch of goods
  • Inventories are updated immediately, accounting for use, rejects and other material consumption
  • Inventory management supports commissioning
  • Material flows are documented across all stages

Quality Management

Quality problems are hard to pinpoint, problem sources remain unidentified for too long.

DELMIA Apriso resolves these issues by providing comprehensive software support for quality management in manufacturing.


  • Your production profits from reliable digital quality validation
  • Validation can be linked to specific production lots
  • 3D-driven error evaluation supports you in identifying problem sources
  • The evaluation status is updated immediately, without system breaks


Legal regulations require traceability of production components, compliance is time-consuming and expensive.

DELMIA Apriso resolves these issues by offering a complete genealogy of products with full traceability of components, materials, tools, machine parameters, etc.


  • Compliance with legal regulations becomes easier and more secure
  • Any necessary recalls can be limited to the affected lots
  • The complete product genealogy improves error analyses
  • Data is collected and stored in accordance with the relevant legal regulations

Do you have further questions or are you interested in a meeting? Please feel free to contact us directly.Make a request

Our customer projects

Producing the perfect movement with 3D simulation Eterna chose DASSAULT SYSTEMES’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform including DELMIA V6 Machining Pack for its manufacturing activities. Read more about

What makes CENIT the right partner for MOM with DELMIA Apriso


CENIT has decades of experience in an extraordinary range of projects in the production industry.

Customer Focus

Our advanced MOM and MES solution meets your specific requirements and can be readily adapted to changing needs.

Strategic Partner

We are one of the largest partners of Dassault Systèmes and offer you competent consulting on DELMIA Apriso innovations and developments.

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