CENIT starts 2011 with good 1st Quarter


Increase of sales and profit

Ad hoc Report in accordance with §15 WpHG

Stuttgart, 11 May 2011 – CENIT is starting the business year with clear on-year growth in all segments and is thus continuing the positive trend set last year. Sales of CENIT’s proprietary software as well as sales proceeds from non-CENIT software increased markedly. The consulting segment has also registered a slightly positive trend. Provided that economic recovery and positive industry sentiment continue to set the tone, we hope to be able to close the coming Quarters with solid growth as well.

During the 1st Quarter of 2011, CENIT Group posted total sales revenue of 24.31 m EUR (2010: 20.71 m EUR/+17%). Sales of non-proprietary software reached 8.78 m EUR (2010: 6.04 m EUR /+45%). Sales of CENIT’s proprietary software grew from 1.75 m EUR to 2.43 m EUR (+39%). Turnover from services and consulting amounted to 13.08 m EUR (2010: 12.52 m EUR/+4%). Other sales totaled 0.02 m. EUR (2010: 0.41 m EUR /-95%).

Gross profits totaled 16.30 m EUR (2010: 14.37 m EUR/+13%). CENIT achieved EBITDA of 1.39 m EUR (2010: 0.99 m EUR/+40%) and EBIT of 0.95 m EUR (2010: 0.64 m EUR/+48%). The results per share were 0.09 EUR (2010: 0.06 EUR/+50%).

Incoming Orders

During the 1st Quarter, incoming orders totaled 33.38 m EUR (2010: 26.84 m EUR/+24%) Group-wide. Orders in hand on 31 March 2011 amounted to 39.97 m EUR (2010: 27.13 m EUR/+47%).

Assets and Financial Status

There are no liabilities in relation to banks and lending institutions – neither short-term nor long-term. On the balance-sheet date, equity capital totaled 29.58 m EUR (31 Dec. 2010: 29.04 m EUR). The equity ratio is 57% (31 Dec. 2010: 58%). On the balance-sheet date, bank deposits totaled 18.2 m EUR (31 Dec. 2010: 13.3 m EUR).


On 31 March 2011, the total number of staff Group-wide was 636 (31 March 2010: 632).


CENIT (SCHWEIZ) AG, Frauenfeld/Switzerland

During the past Quarter, CENIT (Switzerland) AG achieved sales revenue of 1.0 m EUR (2010: 0.7 m EUR), accounting for EBIT of 0.1 m EUR (2010: 0.04 m EUR).


CENIT North America Inc. posted sales of 2.3 m EUR (2010: 1.4 m EUR) and EBIT of 0.3 m EUR (2010: 0.07 m EUR).  
CENIT SRL, Iasi/Romania

CENIT SRL reported sales of 0.2 m EUR (2010: 0.1 m EUR), representing EBIT of 0,005 Mio. EUR (2010: -0.04 m EUR).

CENIT France SARL, Toulouse/France

CENIT France SARL achieved sales of 0.2 m EUR (2010: 0.1 m EUR), accounting for EBIT of 0.06 m EUR (2010: 0 m EUR).

For the 2011 business year, we expect positive developments on the basis of the results achieved in 2010, and continue to adhere to the statements made in the annual report.

The complete Q1 Report is available on our website at www.cenit.com/reports.

Tanja Marinovic
Tanja Marinovic
Marketing/ Investor Relations