CENIT AG Annual Report 2019: Sales and EBIT at previous year's level


Stuttgart, March 31st, 2020 - 2019 was a year with many challenges for CENIT. CENIT Group slightly exceeded the planned sales target of 170,000 EUR k by 1% to 171,711 EUR k. Compared to the plan of around 10,000 EUR k, an EBIT of only 9,195 EUR k was achieved, which represents a difference of -8% against the plan. This is primarily due to the failure to achieve the targets set for the sale of own and third-party software. Although sales in this area increased by around 6% compared to the previous year, they were still below plan.

During the 2019 business year, CENIT group generated sales revenues of EUR k 171,711 (prior year: EUR k 169,990/1.0%). Sales of CENIT’s proprietary software increased by 5.9% at EUR k 16,355 compared to EUR k 15,449. Sales revenues in CENITs consulting and services segment totaled EUR k 49,486 and thus declined by -0.6% on-year (2018: EUR k 49,776). Sales of third-party software increased by around 1.3% to EUR k 105,628 (2018: EUR k 104,299).

The gross profit (operating output less cost of materials) amounted to EUR k 86,797 (2018: EUR k 87,632), representing a decrease of -1.0%.

CENIT achieved EBITDA in amount of EUR k 15,238 (2018: EUR k 11,948/27.5%) and EBIT of EUR k 9,195 (2018: EUR k 9,028/1.8%). Earnings per share were EUR 0.82 EUR (2018: 0.71 EUR).

Orders Development
During the 2019 business year, orders received by CENIT Group totaled EUR k 165,545 (2018: EUR k 177,902). Orders in hand on December 31, 2019 amounted to EUR k 47,223 (2018: EUR k 53,389).

Asset and Financial Situation
On the balance-sheet date, the company’s equity capital was EUR k 40,940 (2018: EUR k 39,102), representing an equity ratio of 45.8% (2018: 49.4%). On the balance-sheet date, bank deposits and liquid assets totaled EUR k 18,461 (2018: EUR k 18,041). The operative cash flow was EUR k 11,682 (2018: EUR k 9,617). In 2019, cash flow was influenced by a dividend payment to shareholders in the total amount of EUR k 5,021, returns of leasing liabilities in amount of EUR k 3,357 and investments in the amount of EUR k 2,759.

On December 31st, 2019, CENIT group employed 737 (2018: 757). Consolidated personnel expenditures during the reporting period were EUR k 60,300 (2018: EUR k 58,571). CENIT currently provides training for 54 young professionals in a variety of occupations. Trainees include informatics and economics students from the Dual University of Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) and vocational trainees in the field of information technology.

Annual General Meeting and Dividend
Given the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management and Supervisory Boards of CENIT AG have decided that the Annual General Meeting planned for the middle of May 2020 will take place at a later date. A new date has not yet been set; as soon as this is the case, the company will announce it and make it public in due time.

The Management and Supervisory Boards will propose to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 0.45 per share, be distributed from CENIT AG’s unappropriated profit in the amount of EUR 3,765 k.

An equity ratio of around 46% places CENIT on very secure footing. This lets CENIT act as a strong and reliable partner to its customers. The forecast for the 2020 business year is based on sales at the previous year's level of around EUR 170,000 k and EBIT of EUR 9,000 k. Any possible effects caused by the Coronavirus were not taken into account, since we are unable to estimate them at this early stage.

The complete 2019 Annual Report is available in a German and English version on the CENIT homepage.

Tanja Marinovic
Tanja Marinovic
Investor Relations